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English/Live Academy

[LA][3] For -ing

whilescape 2019. 3. 22. 06:41

영어회화 | 시급한 교정 #03 (2/2) | for -ing 에 대한 오해와 올바른 사용 | 다른데,다른거,다른사람,다른방법,다른이유,다른 때

For -ing : 용도를 표현하고자 할 때 사용

예문) This button is for adjusting the volume of music 

<< 이 버튼은 음악의 볼륨을 조절하기 위한 것이야 

예문) This cake is not for eating -- It's for decorating

예문) In my wallet, there's a small pocket for carrying coins.

어색해) I cam here everyday for studying English? no to study English.

딴데로, 딴걸로, 딴사람, 딴방법, 딴이유, 딴때

예문) 거기를 갔는데 사람이 너무 많아서 딴데로 갔어.

<< We went to the restaurant and there were too many people, so we went somewhere else.

예문) something else : 딴걸로, 

예문) Right after she broke up with him, she immediately met someone else(some other gut);

예문) I think we need to find some other way. (딴방법)

예문) some other reason :  딴이유

예문) some other time : 딴때

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